Nivå: Medel - avancerad
För dig som redan har goda kunskaper i engelska. Denna språkkurs från Linguaphone tar dina befintliga orala, fonetiska och skriftliga förmågor ett steg vidare. Du bygger upp ditt självförtroende och du får möjlighet att använda fler och mer varierande uttryck och vokabulär med lätthet.


Comfortable with reading, writing, and speaking English but want to achieve complete fluency? Then take your English skills to a higher level with our expert level English language course.

  • 8 CDs
  • 5 Books

Communicate in total confidence and fluency with the most comprehensive English language course around. This expert level English language course is perfect for those who have studied English before and already have a good working knowledge of the language.

With Linguaphone’s world-renowned learning methodology and a wide range of advanced linguistic techniques, you’ll develop your ability to use complex English phrases and expressions with confidence. What’s more, you’ll develop an active vocabulary of over 3000 English words, as you progress to an expert level of English with ease.

What our English language course includes:
  • 8 audio CDs
  • Two 144-page coursebooks covering 21 units
  • An 87-page further practice book with additional written exercises, which expand on language learned throughout the course
  • A 4-page topics booklet 
  • Instruction booklet - contains full instructions and advice on how to study.
  • Compact Linguaphone carry case

Please note this course is written entirely in English.

Language level you will achieve:


What you’ll learn:
  • Over 3000 advanced English phrases
  • Ability to communicate in English with total confidence and fluency.
  • Ability to use ambitious expressions and vocabulary with ease
  • Boosts your spoken, reading, and written English skills to an expert level.
  • Development of an authentic English accent
Sample topics covered:
  • Daily Life
  • Television interviews
  • Newspaper articles
  • Politics
  • Education



